RecollectiV (Formerly Liberty Shared) Organizational Profile

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About Recollectiv (former Liberty Shared)

Liberty Shared is a contributor to the Counter-Trafficking Data Collaborative. Founded in 2011, Liberty Shared runs a range of programs seeking to disrupt the environment in which exploitation thrives.

Liberty Shared aims to prevent human trafficking through legal advocacy, technological interventions, and strategic collaborations with NGOs, corporations, and financial institutions. The primary focus of operation is to share information, expertise, data, and best practices with anti-trafficking stakeholders through online platforms. Working with public, private sector and NGO’s it champions legal reforms and gathers intelligence on slavery.

Liberty Shared is an NGO driven to deliver a better understanding of human trafficking and providing actionable and effective ways to prevent it.

Overview of the VCMS Program (Victim Case Management System)

Since 2014, Liberty Shared has provided a case management system to NGO’s within Asia through its VCMS program. This system has been designed for, and in conjunction with, frontline anti-trafficking NGOs to assist them store, share and analyse their case records.

The VCMS team works directly with each frontline NGO’s staff to assist them in the successful transition to a cloud-based case management system, ensuring it is accessible and they can use it to deliver better services to victims. The system provides an improved way to manage the cases they are dealing with whilst simultaneously capturing vital information on the exploitation a victim may have gone through whilst in trafficking.

Liberty Shared currently has over 40 partners using the system with over 18,000 cases stored on the VCMS. Through the program Liberty Shared has worked with NGOs to improve record keeping. Partners using the VCMS also have the opportunity to become part of the wider VCMS community, driven by data and shared technology, to share information, complete referrals and harness information on trends across the region.


Liberty Shared does not collect any frontline data directly but operates as a service provider and an assistance organization. Therefore, the data found in the CTDC is from organizations that do work within communities and are using the VCMS. NGOs using the VCMS are based in Asia and Africa, and may operate within a network of other partners or on their own.

The focus of the NGO staff who have recorded the data, through using the case management system, may vary considerably. This is primarily due to the operating nature of each NGO, for example whether an NGO concentrates on delivering legal assistance, counselling or both to a victim. The information collected could also have been ascertained prior to or post to, a complete repatriation, meaning certain records may be more or less complete than others.

The VCMS system is developed in Salesforce as a web based case management system. Using Salesforce, the VCMS allows each NGO to have a variety of different forms based on their focus area. The data captured from each NGO has primarily been recorded within an intake process that each staff member implements when dealing with a victim whom they are providing services to.

The data provided to the CTDC is approximately 12,500 cases and comes from a select number of NGO’s based in Asia. As the VCMS develops and facilitates the capture of additional information by NGO’s this number will increase.

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